Bonaveri Fabrics

A standard range of cottons and linens in natural tones and colours

Bonaveri's sewing department uses a range of standard fabrics that are available for covering torso's, heads and other components of bust forms and mannequins. The small collection of fabrics shown here is limited to a few standard colours that range from almost white, to beige, brown and black. 

Bonaveri has chosen these fabrics for their durability and suitability for use on mannequins. However, there are many fabrics that could be used, including alternative textures and colours. If a fabric you require is not shown, please enquire directly with Bonaveri who will gladly assist on sourcing a fabric particular to your needs.

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A classic linen in a dark charcoal.
Siena 800
Bonaveri Fabrics
A classic linen in a natural light grey tone.
Siena 809
Bonaveri Fabrics
A classic linen in a medium grey tone.
Siena 806
Bonaveri Fabrics
A classic linen in a natural beige tone.
Siena 900
Bonaveri Fabrics
A classic linen in a brown tone.
Siena 111
Bonaveri Fabrics
Linosa 200 is a black coloured fabric made from 100% recycled cotton.
Linosa 200
Bonaveri Fabrics
Linosa 111 is a white coloured fabric made from 100% recycled cotton.
Linosa 111
Bonaveri Fabrics
Linosa 401 is a beige coloured fabric made from 100% recycled cotton.
Linosa 401
Bonaveri Fabrics
Linosa 405 is a brown coloured fabric made from 100% recycled cotton.
Linosa 405
Bonaveri Fabrics
Ivory coloured linen blend
Lino Avorio
Bonaveri Fabrics
Natural coloured linen blend
Lino Naturale
Bonaveri Fabrics
A natural cream coloured calico cotton
Bonaveri Fabrics
A black coloured fabric composed of 100% Dralon
Agora Liso Nero 3847-3732
Bonaveri Fabrics
A cream coloured fabric composed of 100% Dralon
Agora Liso Marfil 3838-3704
Bonaveri Fabrics